Covenant School Shooting Ritual

Audrey Hale face and holding assault rifle

On March 27, 2023, a tragic incident occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, where a former student entered the school and opened fire, killing three children and three adults.

The victims were 9-year-olds William Kinney, Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, 60-year-old Katherine Koonce, 61-year-old Mike Hill, and 61-year-old Cynthia Peak. Okay, there’s a lot to unpack here.

We must break down the dark magic ritual and spellwork attached to this school shooting. So, here’s what the Holy Spirit revealed to me.

Let’s get into it.

Murder By Numbers

First, there were three adults and three children killed. There’s heavy energy on the threes. Plus, the shooter killed a total of six people. So you have two dominant numerical energies with this murder: three and six.

The Number Three

With three adults and children killed, you get three and three. When combined, you get 33. My first thought on the 33 is 33rd-degree Mason. Supposedly that’s the highest degree a person can reach as a Freemason. I have heard there’s a 34th degree, but that’s another topic for another time. So with this 33rd-degree energy surrounding this shooting, it smells of a Masonic ritual.

The Number Six

Again, the total number of people killed equals six. Plus, there’s the 666 symbolism that comes into play. All three adults killed were in their 60s. So that gives you 666. Of course, the Bible refers to 666 as the mark of the beast, which many believe refers to the devil or Satan.

Plus, all the children were aged nine. You flip the nines, and you get 666. Again this shooting was ritualistic, especially since it took place at a Christian school.

This school shooting was devilish entities taking a “hit” at Christianity, in general, and GOD, in particular. It makes sense that this evil act was intentional and retaliatory and took place in Nashville. Why? Because in March 2023, Tennessee and its Governor, Bill Lee, had the righteous common sense to ban the law that would force drag queens, puberty blockers, and sexual confusion onto their children.

The bill introduced into the legislature is nothing more than dark magic spellwork aimed at sexually mutilating and hypersexualizing our children in the name of “gender-affirming healthcare.” But the real end-game agenda is depopulation and transhumanism. More on THAT later on.

And, of course, the devils and demons behind this violent act feed off blood, fear, anger, grief, and other low frequencies energies. That’s how they survive and feed the 666 beast they worship.

Now, let’s get into the propaganda spellwork behind the school shooting and its shooter.

MK-Ultra Strikes Again?

Harpo, who dis woman?

I’ll be straight up. I have many questions about this shooting. And keep in mind, it’s right and exact to question EVERYTHING we see and hear in the media, including social media.

Here are my questions:

Was this a real shooting?

Of course, you can have real casualties in a fake war. So something can be fake and real at the same time.

The shooter was 28-year-old Audrey Hale identified as a transgendered person. In this case, a female dressing up like a dude. Reports say she was armed with at least two assault rifles and guns. Plus, she had a history of being treated for some mental issues.

When I first heard about this story in passing, I thought she was a teenager. Shit, this is a grown-ass woman. Anyway, here’s my next question:

Was Audrey under MK-Ultra?

Is this Audrey Hale?

Here are more questions:

  • Why was this shooter a transgender person?
  • What narrative does the media want to spin?
  • And will the media use the event to try and push its agendas?
  • And what are its agendas?

Let me break it down.

The media will try to make the killer look like the victim. The media will portray Hale’s parents, the Christian school, and Christianity as the real villains because they apparently didn’t embrace her choice of trying to live her life as something she isn’t — a man.

Yeah, she’s a victim, but for that reason. Hale is a victim of gender confusion, which likely has roots in some form of childhood trauma. Of course, I’m speaking hypothetically because I don’t know Hale’s personal situation. But I don know what Holy Spirit reveals.

Is this Audrey Hale?
Is this Audrey Hale?

Is it just me? Or do all these Audrey Hales look like different people?😕

Watch Out for The Dark Magic Narrative

The other aspect of the dark magic narrative is to push trans people into the realm of a protected class to the point where their lives are viewed as more valuable than the lives of other human beings.

It’s like this…

The devils and demons want people to sacrifice their own lives, spiritual beliefs, and moral values (and their GUNS) to protect the lives of trans people, who probably make us less than one percent of people on the planet.

This shit gets deep, too deep for this article. But let me say this. The devils and demons we battle with are hellbent on creating their own “race” of people. I’ll leave that there for a while.

Back to my point.

All human life is valuable, period. It makes NO sense to re-engineer ALL of society because a few people “feel” they’re in the “wrong” body.

So when any events like this or similar occur involving a trans person, you better peep how the left-hand path media will spin the story. And you better discern the end game of these low-realm witches and warlocks.

Is this about protecting trans rights?

Or is it something way more sinister?

I’ll take way more sinister for $200, Alex.

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