Hollywood’s Bloody “Red” Rituals Exposed

Singer and his dancers performing wearing red outfits

Let’s get into this red madness.

Red was the dominant color for the 2023 Grammy Awards and Superbowl rituals.

The devil and demons sent their celebrity puppets the memo:

We’re wearing red this year, bitches!

Knowing these events are ritualistic in nature and tied to satan, lucifer, Baal, and many other bitch-ass low-realm deities, we must ask ourselves:

Why red?

Why now?

What’s the symbology of red?

Stick with me now.

There are many levels to this shit.

Let’s go.

Seeing Red: How the Color Impacts Our Emotions and Behavior

Rihanna’s red ensemble for her 2023 Super Bowl

Let’s start with a little color psychology.

This concept deals with how color affects people’s emotional and mental states.

For instance, the color green elicits feelings of calm.

The color blue elicits feelings of trust. This is why major companies like AT&T, American Express, and Ford use blue in their logos.

Red, it’s an intense high-energy color.

It signifies boldness, passion, anger, and so forth.

So on a subliminal level, the devils and demons wanted to stir us up and inflame our emotions on two of the biggest platforms in the world:

The Grammys and the Super Bowl.

Remember, what you give your attention to gets your energy.

What’s energy?

For one. Our emotions are energy, which is energy in motion.

Rituals, spellwork, and magic require intangible elements such as energy, attention, intention, and emotions.

Red as a Sacrificial Color

Singer Sam Smith, his folks, and their red-carpet fashion

Let’s go deeper into the symbology of red.

The color red is associated with blood.

It’s also associated with the devil.

Celebrities and their demonic puppet masters engage in blood sacrifices because the demon-gods they worship require that.

So many blood sacrifices occur during the Grammy and the Super Bowl season. Now these sacrifices take place all year round, but at certain times of the year, portals are open, and those are the “best times” to perform rituals to manifest things in the earth realm.

The devils and demons know this, and that’s why something called the Satanic calendar exists. I saw one of these calendars a few years ago detailing when to perform specific rituals and sacrifices, such as blood rituals, sex rituals, and human sacrifices.

This shit is real.

But so is the Most High Highest, the one true living GOD, the creator of the heavens and earth.

Beyond the Red Door: Entering Secret Portals in February

Those of us who are the chosen children of God can perform our own rituals, spell work, and magic to tear down satanic altars in the spirit realm and on earth.

But many of us must shake off the stronghold of religion to do so. But that’s another topic for another time.

Now back to the Grammy Awards and the Super Bowl…

The Grammy and Superbowl events take place in February for a specific reason. Devils and demons are deliberate with what they do so that their bullshit lines up with certain portals, astrological alignments, etc. I’ll save the energies of February for another time.

In the meantime, let’s dive even deeper into the color red.

The Power of Red: Exploring the Root Chakra Connection

The seven main chakras of the body

The body has energy centers called chakras. Each center has an associated color.

For example, green is for the heart, and blue is for the third eye.

And red represents the root chakra.

The root chakra is the seat of your reproductive organs, representing sexual energy. This is a life-force energy, and it’s a creative powerhouse.

So it’s no surprise they had a pregnant Rihanna, dressed in red, performing at the Superbowl half-time show.

The first thing that popped into my mind after hearing about Rihanna’s Hale-time show was “Rosemary’s Baby.”

I’m not sure why, but let me not digress.

The Power of Root Chakra Spells

So these devils and demons, with the help of their celebrity puppets, were trying to tap into, unleash or harvest the sexual energy of the masses. They tried to manipulate the collective root chakra for their dark magic spellwork.

Here’s something else to consider:

The devils and demons were trying to cast a spell among the viewers.

And what’s the spell?

The goal or intent is to keep the masses trapped in their root chakra, ruled by their sexual appetites, and bound to sexual addictions and perversions. To dwell solely on the root chakra reduces people to a form of bestiality.

The Devil Card in Tarot: Confronting Your Inner Demons

The Tarot deck’s devil card

This root chakra spellwork reminds me of the devil card in Tarot. The image depicts a man and woman chained to LSD (lucifer/satan/devil). This is a very ego-driven energy where people live only to satisfy the lust of their flesh.

Our individual and collective Divine assignment is to rise up and transcend our beast-level existence to become spiritually enlightened. It’s that serpentine fire where the energy (or snake) rises from the root chakra to the crown chakra.

But if these devils and demons can keep people trapped on the beast level (root chakra), they can maintain control, power, and dominance over the world. And that’s how the kingdom of darkness remains in effect.

The wicked ones who run the current world system can’t reach the crown chakra level. They try to use sexual energy to do it. That’s one reason why Hollyweird crowd indulges in sexual behaviors, such as orgies, homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, and incest. They think they can transmute that energy into power to reach higher levels of consciousness.

They get their approach to “enlightenment” from Allister Crowley. This scum bag bitch, referred to as the most wicked man on earth, ended up broke, alone, full of STDs, and dead in a filthy one-bedroom apartment.

The bottom line is these Hollyweird devils and demons believe sexual depravity is their way to salvation. And they want the rest of the world to get on board with their program. Their “heaven” is our hell. But our heaven is their hell!

And the people who say or think the Grammy and Superbowl events are just entertainment are vulnerable to being placed under that spellwork and having these devils and demons hijack their souls.

I do these breakdowns to expose the bullshit and wake people up so they don’t fall victim to Satan’s kingdom.

The Red Obsession: Why Hollywood Celebrities Can’t Get Enough of This Color

I stumbled across this video. The imagery says a lot!

Here’s some more Spirit tea about the color red and the LSD (Lucifer Satan Devil) rituals, spell work, and dark magic.

Remember when red-bottom shoes started popping off, becoming a big fashion trend?

Let me tell you something.

When you see a trend with these celebrities, pay close attention. There’s more to it than meets the eye. And often, there’s something demonic behind it.

The red-bottom fashion trend has been hot for several years.

Is this simply a fashion statement or something more sinister?

Let’s see.

Red symbolizes blood, and it’s the devil’s color. Right?

Now check this out.

There’s a “theory” that Hollyweird “elites” and others in the upper echelons of society belong to a “Red Shoe Club” where children are kidnapped, raped, murdered, and even eaten. And the red shoes symbolize the blood of the babies and children.

I only say “theory” because I need more receipts. But what I do know is the truth is stranger than fiction. Plus, what I do know about these devils and demons, there’s NOTHING farfetched about that theory.

So when you see the color red trending with Hollyweird celebrities, you may want to start asking some questions.

  • Why is Oscar’s red carpet red?
  • Why were Dorothy’s shoes red in The Wizard of Oz?
  • Why are some of the popular hats celebs wear have red brims underneath?
  • Why are the HI/AIDS ribbons red?
  • Why is Jada Pinkett-Smith’s table red for her Red Table Talk show?

Again, when Hollyweird pushes a trend or theme, some spellwork, ritual, and dark magic are behind it.

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