Jamie Foxx: Exposing His Bizarre Medical Journey

african american male actor


Why has there been so much confusion surrounding Jamie Foxx’s medical condition?

I mean, this situation comes across like a bad reality show.

One minute, he’s in an Atlanta hospital. The next minute the media reports Foxx’s family is preparing for the worst. The next thing we hear is he’s chillin’ playing pickleball. The latest storyline is that he is being treated at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, a rehabilitation hospital in Chicago specializing in traumatic brain injuries.

At any rate, I believe there is a method to all this madness.

So, let’s break this down.

I have some thoughts on why the Jamie Foxx story is so chaotic.

Let’s go!

Jamie Foxx: Wanted Dead or Alive?

Let me cut to the chase.

Here’s why there’s so much confusion surrounding Jamie Foxx’s health crisis.

The devils and demons were trying to figure out whether to keep him alive or let him die.

The wicked ones who run Hollyweird see themselves as “gods.” They get off on the power of taking someone’s life or controlling the fate of others. In this case, their celebrity slaves.

When these celebrities sign those contracts, they agree to turn their lives and souls over to the Hollyweird satanist and Lucerferians.

You may have heard that celebrities are worth more dead than alive. And in many cases, that is true, especially in the music industry.

After a singer or rapper dies, record sales go through the roof. And who gets paid? You guessed it, the devils and demons who own the masters to those songs. They stack dollars while the surviving family members get dust.

Regarding Jamie Foxx, I believe the “Powers that USED to be” were debating whether Jamie Foxx would be worth more to them dead than alive.

And apparently, they decided they would benefit more by keeping him alive.

With the rapid adoption of AI and deep fake technology, Jamie Foxx may only be “alive” in virtual reality.

I created a video about the cloning of Jamie Foxx right here.

How did these devils and demons decide to Keep Jamie alive?

Well, here are my thoughts.

The Dark Magic Matrix: Witches, Warlocks, and Energy Harvesting

The Hollyweird witches and warlocks engage in energy harvesting, meaning they use the collective energy of the masses when performing rituals, spellwork, and dark magic. They also tap into that energy to feed the “Beast” they worship.

Now, what energy are we talking about here?

We’re talking emotions.

Emotions equal energy in motion.

The top three emotions these entities, as I call them, use for their occult practices include:

  • Fear
  • Sexual energy
  • Grief (sadness/sorrow)

The death of a celebrity taps into the third emotion.

Of course, grieving over the loss of a loved one is a natural process. However, grief is also a low vibrational energy. Think about it. If people grieve too long, they can find themselves in deep dark depression and excessive misery. It’s not good to remain in a state of grief too long.

At any rate, when a celebrity passes away, there’s an outpouring of grief. But not every celebrity death impacts the masses’ emotions in the same way. Because of this, every celebrity death doesn’t produce enough grief energy for these entities to harvest and complete their rituals.

So, with Jamie Foxx, they were testing the waters, so to speak.

While people poured out their concerns, well wishes, prayer emojis, and whatnot, I don’t think there was enough energy they could harvest for whatever major ritual the devils and demons wanted to perform.

And this is no diss to Jamie Foxx in what I’m about to say.

The man is a gifted actor, comedian, singer, and classically trained pianist. He’s a genius. But if they had announced he passed away several weeks ago, people would have been like, “Aw, damn, that’s messed up. Jamie Foxx died.” And in a day or two, people would have gone on about their lives like nothing happened.

You see, that level of grief is too weak to perform any major energy harvesting.

The bottom line is as talented and famous as Jamie Foxx is, he’s no Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Prince, or even Kobe Bryant.

And let me dive into Kobe Byrant’s death for a second to illustrate the power of energy harvesting.

Kobe Bryant’s Tragic Departure Fuels Energy Harvesting Spellwork

I bet you remember where and what you were doing when you heard Kobe Bryant died in that helicopter crash.

I know I do.

And when I heard that news, it hit me hard.

I liked Kobe, but as I always say, I’m nobody’s fan because that word is short for fanatic. And I don’t rock with that frequency.

Nevertheless, I teared up when I told a friend about what happened to Kobe.

So, even if you weren’t a Kobe or Lakers fan, his death (and that of his daughter) crushed the hearts of people around the globe.

So damn near, everyone was in grief and shock for weeks.

Now Kobe passed away on January 26, 2020.

And you remember what followed right after his death?

That’s right.

The devils and demons unleashed COVID-19 worldwide. On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the virus outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern,” according to Wikipedia.

So COVID-19 was released globally as the world grieved the loss of Kobe Bryant. They harvested that grief energy to usher in one of human history’s most wicked agendas and mass rituals.

And there you have it.

Why was there so much confusion around Jamie Foxx’s medical status?

The devils were trying to determine if they wanted to kill or keep him alive. Once they realized his death wouldn’t elicit enough grief energy for their harvesting ritual, they went with the narrative that Jamie is rehabbing in a Chicago hospital.

Why do you think there were so many conflicting stories about Jamie’s medical condition?

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