Jonathan Majors, Meagan Good, and the Lori Harvey Effect Backfires

So, on social media, Jonathan Majors is dating Meagan Good. Now, rumor has it Majors was texting Good when he and his now ex-girlfriend got into some alleged physical altercation. I don’t know if that’s the case.

But when I heard Majors and Good were booed up I had two immediate reactions:

  1. Meagan, get your coin
  2. This relationship may not work out in her favor

I said, “Get your coin” because it appeared to me their “relationship” is a PR stunt. And if so, I hope she got some money for being his cleanup woman.

Plus, I didn’t think hooking up with a guy accused of putting paws on a woman would be a good look for Ms. Meagan.

I ran across a video from Ms. Lowdown’s YouTube channel confirming my second concern. Supposedly, Meagan’s female fans aren’t feeling her relationship and are giving her ALL kinds of smoke.

Let me dive deeper into what I believe is going on with this new couple.

Beyond the Headlines: Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good’s Strategic Love Affair

Hooking Jonathan Majors up with Meagan Good is a P.R. to appeal to his newfound fanbase: Black women. And you’ll see why I call this the Lori Harvey Effect in a minute.

You see, coming off the success of Creed III with his homie Michael B. Jordan, Majors was emerging as a sex symbol among Black women. When they saw him all swole and jacked in Creed III, many sistas saw home with a new set of eyes. He went from being “aiight” to “Damn, he finer than a mutha…”

While he was on the cusp of becoming the next big movie star, we discover he allegedly put his hands on his then-girlfriend, who happens to be white.

And, of course, that’s a huge blow to his growing Black female fanbase. It’s like,

“Here we go again. Another successful Black man choosing a non-black woman as his preference.”

Well, his P.R. team had to do something, and something fast.

It may take a minute to win back any white fans he has lost. However, there’s a belief it’s easier to get back into the good graces of Black women and that Black women will be more forgiving. They figure sistas are the low-hanging fruit, so to speak.

So, here’s their strategy.

They brainstormed a list of young Black actresses they could him up with. Ideally, an actress with a strong Black female following and popularity among that demographic.

Bam! Let’s get Megan Good.

She’s beautiful and unproblematic, and sistas rock with her.

The whole point of this relationship is to kill any noise that Jonathan doesn’t like or date Black women.

It’s like,

“See, look at me, sistas. I’m dating one of y’all.”

His team believes that perception is reality, and often it is. In other words, if they can get Black women to perceive Jonathan Major is really into Black women, then sistas will continue to stand by him.

And let’s keep a buck.

Everybody knows Black women are the most loyal women on the planet.

So Majors and his crew is banking on him “dating” Meagan Good will help him find grace with his Black female fan base and garner their loyalty.

Now, here’s the cherry on top.

Major’s P.R. team hopes Black women will see Majors dating Good as a win.

What do I mean by that?

Simply put, he ditched the white girl to be with a sista.

The white girl get’s the “L,” and Black women get a “W” because this Black man chose us over Becky with the good hair.

But hold your lace fronts, sistas.

We saw this same PR stunt with Michael B. Jordan and Lori Harvey.

Let’s dive into that situation for a minute.

All for Show: The Questionable Connection of Michael B. Jordan and Lori Harvey

Now you already know when brothas in Hollyweird need a little arm candy. Lori Harvey seems to be the go-to girl.

Jonathan Major’s PR team probably would have hired Lori as his clean-up woman. The only problem is that he and Michal B. Jordan are buddies, so that wouldn’t work.

At any rate.

Jordan has a strong Black female fanbase who thinks he is fine as hell, too.

Don’t you remember when pictures leaked of him partying on a Yacht with NOTHING but white women?

He took a lot of heat for that from who?

His Black female fanbase who were rocking with BEFORE he became a major movie star.

He took an “L” for that.

That happened in 2018, and he hooked up with Lori Harvey in 2021.

Between 2018 and 2021, as far as I know, you never heard of Michael B. Jordan dating ANY woman, let alone a Black woman.

I never believed he and Harvey were in a “real” relationship. It was a contractual agreement. And these arrangements take place in Hollyweird ALL the time. Plus, it’s nothing new.

Back in the day, actor Rock Hudson’s team had him marry a woman to hide that he was gay.

In my eyes, Jordan’s team wanted to quell any suspicions about his sexuality and to stay in good standing with his Black female audience. Period, Point Blank.

Now, I’m not saying Jordan is gay.

The point is if he’s considered a sex symbol and leading man, being in a high-profile relationship with a woman helps his career.

So, at this point, no one can say Michael B. Jordan and Jonathan Majors didn’t date Black women.

Oh, and by the way.

After ending his contract with Lori Harvey, Jordan “broke up with her,” and he hooked up with a white UK model named Amber Jepson. So don’t be surprised if Meagan gets the boot and Majors returns to a Becky.

Now let me get into Meagan’s side of the deal.

Meagan Good Clean-Up Woman Failure

If I’m on point, Jonathan Majors is dating Meagan Good for damage control. The question then becomes:

What’s in it for Meagan?

After all, any contractual agreement should be mutually beneficial.

So how does this dating situation benefit Meagan?

As I said earlier, maybe she’s getting some coin from the deal.

If so, it’s okay, Ms. Meagan. Get your coin.

However, there’s a saying: All money ain’t good money.

When you step in to help clean up the image of a man accused of physically harming a woman, you better make sure the benefits outweigh the costs.

So far, it’s looking like Meagan is getting the bad end of this deal.

Now, aside from any monetary gain, how would Meagan benefit?

The only thing I can see, at this point, is this:

Dating a high-profile actor on the verge of mega superstardom raises her profile A LOT.

You see, Meagan Good is what we call Black famous.

Jonathan Majors is white famous.

In other words, if you asked the average white person who Meagan Good is, they wouldn’t know. They’ll say, “Do you mean Meagan Markle?”

“Naw, wigga, I mean Meagan Good. Eve’s Bayaou Meagan Good. Stomp Tha Yard Meagan Good. Harlem Meagan Good. She married and divorced ol’ boy who’s preacher Meagan Good.”

“Uh, sorry, I don’t know who that is.”

No shade to Meagan. That’s just the way it is.

Now ask Brad and Mary Ann do they know who Jonathan Majors is.

They’ll be like, “Yeah, we know him.”

I think Meagan’s strategy was to attach herself to Jonathan Majors to introduce her to a whole new audience; a broader “mainstream” audience.

So, people who didn’t know her now know who she is.

In Hollyweird, they say there’s no such thing as bad publicity.

If so, Meagan better hope she can flip the negative feedback from her fans and transmute that energy to benefit her career.

Even though Jonathan Majors is innocent until PROVEN guilty, as a Black man, that doesn’t apply to him. In the court of public opinion, he’s guilty until proven innocent. In the eyes of many people, Majors put paws on his ex-girlfriend.

Now Meagan’s fans are looking at her sideways for hooking up with a man with a soiled reputation. And who knows, it may hurt her chances of becoming a “mainstream” actress if that’s her goal.

At any rate, this “dating” situation between Majors and Good may not last too much longer.

Now let me close out with a quick spiritual insight.

Black Women: Divine Feminine Energy and the Black Man’s Come Up

Sistas, your energy is powerful.

Black people, particularly Black women, are the battery that keeps this matrix charged, for better or worse.

You see, the loyal support of Black women fuels the careers of so many Black male actors and singers.

Many of these dudes have been able to tap into your Divine Feminine Energy in a way that allows them to thrive and sustain successful careers. Why? Because you are the root, the foundation. Even though some prefer non-Black women for girlfriends or wives, they know they still need Black women backing them on some level.

Anyhoo, I’ll leave that little nugget right there.

Now you tell me, do you think Jonathan Majors dating Meagan Good is the real deal, or is it a PR stunt to garner support from his Black female fanbase?

Until next time, peace.

And the Holy Spirit be your guide.

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