Possessed By Words: A Closer Look at Queer

Let’s talk about the word queer and the dark magic behind it.

If you’re part of the LGBTQ community, especially if you’re a so-called Black/African American, don’t call yourself queer. The word’s true origin means “perverse,” “not quite right,” and “degenerate,” to name a few.

The word is a spirit or has a spirit. Stated another way, a word’s nature is its spirit, and its spirit is its nature. When you take on that description as an identity, you take on that spirit. In this case, the spirit of perversity and degeneracy.

Saying “I am queer” means you’re that spirit. So a portal opens within you for the spirit of perversion or degeneracy to operate in and through you.

People have been led to believe that identifying as queer is LGBTQ+-affirming. It’s affirming, alright. It’s not life-affirming. It’s the opposite.

Instead, it’s death-affirming. This means low vibrational energy and frequency of that word will enslave your soul to its lower nature.

I’m telling you to watch your words.

Saying “I am queer” is also a form of using the LORD/GOD’s name in vain. There’s nothing queer about the LORD/GOD. The witches and warlocks behind the LGBTQ+ movement who hate and despise the One True Living GOD, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, take pleasure in mocking GOD.

When ancient scripture says, “I am that I am.” So one way they can mock GOD is to attach an ungodly attribute to “I am.” For example, saying “I am queer” is an inverted incantation that says GOD is perverted or degenerate.

That’s straight Holy Spirit🔥🔥🔥I just dropped on you.

Watch. Your. Words.

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