Rapper Cardi B Takes No Prisoners: Blasting the Dalai Lama’s Creepy Antics

A video of the Dalai Lama having an 8-year-old boy suck his nasty ass tongue went viral. All the young boy wanted was a hug. Instead, he gets deep-throated by this so-called “Holy Man.”

Then another video went viral.

This time it was rapper Cardi B blasting the Dalai Lama’s pedophile behavior.

First, let me shout out YouTuber Lovelyti for bringing Cardi B’s reaction to my attention.

The second shout-out is to Cardi for using her celebrity and platform to speak out on this hot ass mess. 

But let me say this:

Cardi B. has been problematic in many ways since she blew up on the scene.

She talked reckless about dark-skinned black women.

She snitched on herself about how she drugged and robbed dudes during her stripper days.

And she promotes the slut-ho frequency to young girls, glamorizing sexual degeneracy and prostitution.

That aside, I believe in giving people props, including celebrities, when they use their platforms to speak out against the bullshit going on in society.

The Wrath of Cardi B

Cardi B was outraged by the Dalai Lama’s perverted behavior. She went on to say society must make protecting children a top priority. 

Again, Cardi B has promoted low-vibrational energy through her music as an industry puppet, but she has some degree of morality to call out the perverts. And I’m sure the fact she’s a mother of two children has a lot to do with her outspoken stance.

Of course, she had critics who tried to use her skanky past to discredit her. They felt she was the wrong messenger to deliver that message.

Again, kudos to Cardi B for clapping back, standing her ground, and putting those “keyboard gangsters” in check.

First, there are no perfect people or messengers, but there is a perfect truth. It’s the message that counts, not the messenger. 

Children of the Most High were put on earth to exercise power, authority, and dominion as vessels of the Creator. And this mission involves sharing Divine Truth so His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

And it’s not God’s will that children be molested and raped!

Here’s another point I want to make.

If the Dalai Lama felt comfortable sexually accosting that little boy on camera, you can only imagine what he does behind closed doors.

Let me tell all those who know how to put in that work in the spiritual realm that you need to deal with pedophiles, rapists, and molesters. And I’ll leave that there.

Now, Cardi B is still on the side-eye list. But she gets a “you go girl” for speaking the truth about the Dalai Lama’s nasty ass and his pedo-behaving bullshit!

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