Shannon Sharpe and Rickey Smiley Get Too Real About Selling Out

I cruised through the YouTube streets, and a video about Rick Smiley caught my attention.

Before I chime in on the weird, sad comments made during the interview, let me credit the African Diaspora News channel for inspiring this post.

The channel owner posted this interesting video about how these black celebrities work against the best interests of so-called Black people.

But allow me to be petty for just a second.

The African Diaspora News channel is a “pro-black” YouTube platform by a black dude, right?

What gets me is that the owner of the channel is supposedly a “pro-black”  “blackity blackity” fella who is married to a non-black woman.

Just can’t ignore the irony of it all.😕

Anyhoo, let me get on with the business at hand.

In the video, former NFL player and co-host of Skip and Shannon: Undisputed on Fox Sports 1, Shannon Sharpe interviews comedian Rickey Smiley on his Club Shay Shay podcast.

Smiley spills some tea and exposes how he, Steve Harvey, and D. L. Hugely get together via text and conspire to push agendas on their radio shows.

The point is people like Smiley, Hughley, and Harvey work against the best interest of the so-called black community. At the end of the day, these comedians belong to a long list of Democrat shills (aka Demoncratic puppets) who sell out black folks for a “two-piece and biscuit.”

Their role is to be mouthpieces for far left-liberal politics that keeps Black folks tied to the Democrat plantation while promoting policies and candidates that undermine Black people’s well-being, such as encouraging Black women to get abortions as if it’s an act of liberation.

And that’s bull crap. But I’ll address the “pro-choice” spellwork in another post.

In the meantime, let me dive into…

The Rise of Black Male Celebrities Wearing Dresses

The issue of men wearing dresses arose during Smiley’s interview with “Shay Shay.”

In recent years, folks have called brothas out for wearing dresses. They see it as effeminizing Black men…and rightly so.

However, Rickey Smiley justified the cross-dressing behavior. After all, he’s no stranger to wearing dresses. One of his most well-known characters is Ms. Bernice Jenkins.

Bernice Jenkins is coming through with them church announcements

Smiley justifies the cross-dressing as just for laughs, jokes, and kee kees. And he believes folks take cross-dressing Negroes too seriously.

He points out a long history of dudes who dressed like women for laughs, such as Flip Wilson as Geraldine and Martin Lawrence as Seneneh.

Comedian Flip Wilson as sassy Geraldine
Martin Lawrence portrays Sheneneh in his popular hit show “Martin.”

Look, I won’t even front.

I’ve had my share of laughs over years of men portraying women.

A lot of it is funny as hell…until it isn’t.

Why is that?

Because we exist in a demonic world system that’s anti-GOD and pushes agendas that oppose the natural order of the Most High.

And I’m talking spiritual, not religion!

As chosen people of the Most High, we’re dealing with low-realm energies and spirits who want to keep the world shrouded in darkness.

But we’re here to bring the LIGHT that casts at that darkness.

We’re dealing with devils and demons who use the power of media (a medium) to channel demonic entities to use those spirits to cast spells onto the masses.

So what spell are they casting with these cross-dressing males?

One, it’s the spell desensitization. The intent behind this ritual is to get people to embrace and accept men wearing dresses as the norm.

Why do this?

Their intent has been to groom us into embracing transgenderism, leading to where we are now. And that’s so-called parents allowing their young sons to transition into “girls” and daughters to transition into “boys.”

So the devils started their spell work using comedians?

Why comedians?

Laughter disarms people and makes them open to accepting cultural “norms” they normally would reject. The spiritual science behind this is most people will not take what they’re seeing (a man in a dress) as something serious. After all, it’s just for laughs and giggles, right?

In other words, when people view men pretending to be women as funny, they don’t take it seriously and will not peep the REAL demonic spirit behind that behavior. So Satan’s witches and warlocks used laughter to bypass people’s NATURAL resistance to seeing a man dressed as a woman. In turn, they could plant seeds of acceptance in the conscious and subconscious minds of the masses.

And this made it easier for them to introduce transgenderism into the mainstream.

Let’s dive into the second reason why the trend of Black men in dresses is problematic.

The Brutal Reality of Buck Breaking

Tyler Perry, Wesley Snipes, Shawn and Marlon Wayans, Jamie Foxx, Martin Lawrence, Kevin Hart, and Eddie Murphy

I talked about how people are waking up to this cross-dressing agenda and understand that a part of it promotes the effeminization of Black men.

You can call it buck-breaking.

Buck-breaking is a demonic practice dating back to slavery where enslaved Black men (really prisoners of war, another topic for another time) were brutalized, raped, and sodomized in front of the other enslaved men, women, and children.

This act was done to break the spirit of strong Black men so that they would not do what’s NATURAL according to their DIVINE masculinity.

And what’s that?

  • Rebel and overthrow unjust systems.
  • Protect and defend their women and children.
  • Function as leaders in their communities…and beyond.

So the constant portrayal of celebrity Black males wearing dresses is a form of mental (and spiritual) buck-breaking. As Black men and our sons watch these high-profile, “successful” black males parade around in dresses, the imagery conveys that this effiminization or emasculation is a “normal” state for Black males.

Plus, these devils and demons align cross-dressing with fame and riches.


Because it helps to not only normalize it but also make it an acceptable way to become rich and famous. After all, dressing like a woman doesn’t hurt the careers of these high-profile Black male celebs. If anything, Hollyweird awards them for being buck broken.

Now, let’s get to the last point about this cross-dressing phenomenon.

The Perception of Black Women as “Masculine”

The Perception of Black Women as “Masculine” Can be Detrimental

The males dressing as females feed into the low-vibrational masculinization of Black women.

Sistas already get a bum wrap for not being feminine, which isn’t true. Plus, we’ve been assigned the label of the “strong Black woman.” Yes, we are strong, but not in the way this world system portrays us.

The spellwork behind the “strong Black woman” label is to create a reality where Black women don’t need Black men, which destroys Black male-female relationships and the nuclear Black family.

These devils and demons HATE heterosexual unions and the original HOLY TRINITY: Mother-Father-Child.


Because that’s a reflection of the Most High’s divine order.

So wherever there’s order, Satan’s minions seek to bring chaos.

So cross-dressing makes Black men look feminine while making Black women look masculine. The result is the switching of gender roles, which is an UNNATURAL state of being.

Even the Willie Lynch letter, although a fictional “slave-making” document, does reveal the devil’s evil intent toward Black people.

 You must use the female vs. the male. And the male vs. the female.

Willie Lynch Letter

But Lucifer’s Hollyweird witches and warlocks kicked things up a notch by TURNING men into “women” and women into “men.” Again this harkens back to the transgender agenda that we’re witnessing today.

At any rate, let me go in on Mr. “Shay Shay” for a moment.

Who Needs Self-Respect When You Got a $1M Bikini?

“Shay Sahy” has no problem being buck broken

During the interview, this big, ham-hock-built Negroe had the nerve to say he’d wear a bikini for $1M!

Negroe, say what?

Our ancient text tells us:

For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery,

Mark 7:21 ESV

Okay, bruh.

I can only imagine what he’d do for an extra $1M…

Bend over and spread those butt cheeks?😕

Shay Shay will do what?

I got more spiritual tea about Rickey Smily coming soon🍵

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