Shocking Reality of Violence Against Trans People No One Talks About

man dressed like a woman

The Nashville Covenant school shooting inspired this post. I have a problem with these devils and demons who exploit the suffering of any group of people to further their own agendas. But that is what dark magic, spellwork, and ritual are about. We need to be smart enough to recognize the game for what it is so we don’t get played.

Audrey Hale – The trans shooter who killed six people at The Covenant School


The narrative keeps getting pushed that there’s this massive movement of killing trans people. Specifically, we’re talking about the males who dress up as women. Do trans people get beaten up and killed? Yes, they do. But let’s keep things real and tell the whole story.

Trans murders get portrayed as if it’s an epidemic. If it is, it’s not the mainstream societal problem devils and demons try to make it out to be. When trans people get beaten or killed, their abuse typically happens at the hands of men who participate in that “lifestyle.”

The villains aren’t Christians or heterosexual males. No, the beatings or killings of trans folks are an LGBTQ “family” business that has nothing to do with the rest of us.

Plus, many male trans who dress as women prefer straight men. Some of the trans put themselves in harm’s way, leading straight men to believe they’re women. And when these men find out the person they thought was a woman has a penis, they go berserk because that’s not what they signed up for. Period.

Is this blaming the victim? No.

No one should be harmed in that scenario.

By the same token, trans males must know they’re playing a dangerous game when they present themselves as females to unsuspecting straight men.

Trust and belief any straight man who wants to lay up when a trans dude dressed as a female will have no problem finding one. But when a straight man wants a GOD-created woman, and you surprise him with a foot long, it will be a bad misunderstanding. Just saying.

A trans individual named Marsha P. Johnson

But again, I have the sneaky suspension that most violence against trans individuals (men who dress as women) happens at the hands of men who are “into” men who dress as women. So, when I say this is LGBTQ+ “family” business, I mean these acts of violence take place in the prostitution/sex trade underground of the LGBTQ+ community.

Some, not all, of the men who mess around with trans individuals (men dressing as women), have a trans “fetish” or a “kink.” And for some of these dudes, beating on the trans is part of their get-down. Unfortunately, some of these sexual encounters turn deadly.

I may have to do a psycho-spiritual breakdown of these dudes who put paws on trans individuals.

Using black trans to push a wicked agenda is a damn shame.

The point is this…

These devils and demons need to stop blaming ALL OF SOCIETY for shit that occurs in the trans world. They need to stop exploiting the pain and suffering of trans people for their own demonic transhumanism agenda!

And don’t get me started on how they’re exploiting Black trans in this diabolical scheme. This is more spellwork the witches and warlocks are trying to cast among the masses using the energy of “blackness.” I’ll break that down later.

Ya’ll better peep the devil’s game.

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