The Blue Ivy Transgender Conspiracy

girl wearing dark shades

I’ve heard whispers and rumors on the YouTube streets that Blue Ivy looks more “boyish” at the tender age of 11.

A lot of that talk stems from the picture above…I guess.

The Daily Mail made a big deal over the fact that Blue Ivy is only 11 years old and is almost taller than Lucerferian rapper Lil Uzi Vert.

Here is the headline:

Beyonce and Jay-Z’s daughter Blue Ivy Carter, 11, is nearly the same height as 5feet4 rapper Lil Uzi Vert as they enjoy Super Bowl LVII

Was the Daily Mail being shady to Uzi and Ivy?

Uzi’s 5’4″. Yeah, he’s short. So what? According to the Centers for Disease and Prevention, the average height of males in the U.S. is 5’9″.

Was the publication shading Uzi and belittling him (no pun intended) because a girl, Blue, is almost taller than him?

Did the newspaper try to minimize Blue’s femininity by pointing out she’s almost taller than this grown “little” man?

A lot of folks say “yes” to the above questions.

Now, look at the photo.

It’s not like Blue is towering over Uzi. If he’s 5’4″, then, based on this spic, Blue is about 5’3″. So she’s petite in stature at this stage of her development. And according to the good ole’ CDC, the average height for U.S. women is 5’4″.

And what if she were taller than him? What’s the big deal?

Anyhoo, let’s get into the real mess.

I’ve heard some people on YouTube say Blue Ivy is starting to look more boyish.

And there are whispers of some transgender energy going on with her.

Listen, I don’t follow Blue Ivy or any celeb closely.

But just looking at pictures of her on Google, I see a little girl who likes her mama.

Now, when these folks say “boyish,” I’m not sure what they mean other than referring to the clothes she wears sometimes.

I mean, damn, she’s 11 years old. Are these folks expecting Blue to dress up in leotards and red bottoms😕

Plus, there are MANY pictures of Blue dressed very girly over the years.

I know transgenderism is running rampant like a California wildfire, but let’s not be so quick to throw Blue into that category.


I do have some thoughts about Hollywood children and transgenderism.

Celebrities take oaths.

They belong to satanic/Luciferian secret societies or cults.

That’s their religion, regardless of size, shape, or organization.

Just like in the traditional Christian faith, where a child is baptized, and their life is dedicated to the Christian GOD, the same is done in satanic/Luciferian circles.

The parents “baptize” their children into the cult. As such, they turn their children over to the demonic deities their parents worship.

In effect, the child belongs to Satan/Lucifer.

GOD has his children, and Satan/Lucifer has his.

So if Bey and Jay are down with the get-down, and evidence suggests they are, Blue Ivy “belongs” to her father, Satan/Lucifer.

Now, what does that mean?

There is a multitude of sacrifices that take place in Hollyweird. And this includes child sacrifices. However, not all these sacrifices are blood sacrifices.

One type of sacrifice is changing the child’s natural-born gender into an artificial gender via puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and surgical castration.

Think and DeWayne Wade and Gabrielle Union.

Wade sacrificed his son Zion Malachi Airamis Wade and turned him into Zaya Malachi Airamis Wade.

And no, I’m not posting a pic.

The Wades are a whole other level of disgusting for what they’ve done to that boy.🤬

Now back to Blue Ivy.

If Blue Ivy “changes” her gender, it means Bey and Jay sacrificed her to maintain their perceived power, dominance, and wealth in the industry.

Gender manipulation is a sacrificial ritual.

But what else would you expect from Beelzebub?

Interestingly, Blue Ivy’s name does not signify a gender.

Her name isn’t even unisex.

And, of course, that name was given to her for a specific reason. Bey and Jay didn’t just pull that name out their asses.

How Bey and Jay named Blue is giving me Will and Jada Smith tease.

Jaden is named after Jada, and Willow is named after Will.

On the surface, it’s cute and harmless. But again, we’re talking about Hollyweird.

So the names Will and Jada gave to their children are a form of energetic gender swapping. In other words, a transference of feminine energy was mounted onto Jaden, and masculine energy was mounted onto Willow.

Jaden rockin’ that granny outfit
Willow rockin’ the baldy and tie

Interestingly, between Will and Jada’s dynamic, Jada has the masculine dominant energy, and Will is the feminine dominant.

The bottom line is that a name influences our nature. So when we see Jaden wearing skirts and dresses and claiming Tyler, the Creator is his boyfriend or watching Willow rocking the baldhead talking about being polyamorous and shit, are we not surprised?

Now, Jaden and Willow didn’t end up this way simply due to their names, but names do have an impact.

With that said, Blue Ivy is a genderless name, for the most part, but the Ivy does have some feminine energy.

Will Blue go through a “tomgirl” stage, or will Bey and Jay transition her into “boy”? We have to see.

But I had an interesting thought after hearing all this speculation about Blue’s gender.

What if Blue Ivy was born a boy and raised as a girl only to be “transitioned’ back into a boy?

That’s some wild, deep shit, ain’t it? 😲

But again, I don’t put anything past the weirdos in Hollyweird.

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