The Dark Side of Beyonce’s Influence on Chloe

Chloe Bailey’s album fails, and her fans blame Beyoncé.

Chloe’s much-anticipated debut album sold only 10,000 units during its first week of release. Her fans felt Beyonce should have promoted her protege’s album. They believe a push from Beyonce would have resulted in more sales.

The Empressive YouTube Channel inspired this post, and Empressive made a good point. Beyonce doesn’t even promote her own music. For instance, she just dropped music from her last album Renaissance and went on about her private ass business without doing any promotion.

And even if Bey did help push Chloe’s debut album, “In Pieces,” that doesn’t guarantee success. The bottom line is Beyonce wouldn’t make or break the album. Plus, Chloe had a lot of publicity leading up to the album’s release, ranging from doing interviews with major media outlets to having a starring role in the series Swarm. And we won’t talk about how her X-rated scene from Swarm went viral. A common belief is sex sells, but it didn’t sell “In Pieces.”

But anyway…

Chloe’s fans are onto something with their criticism of Beyonce regarding Chloe’s music career. 

So let’s dive deeper as I put my spiritual stank on the rise and potential fall of Chloe Bailey.

The Art of Authenticity: Exploring the Differences Between Artists and Entertainers

Let me first lay some foundation.

There’s a difference between an artist and an entertainer. Years ago, I watched a biopic about iconic Hollywood actor Rock Hudson. In one scene, an agent or manager tells him he could be an actor or a movie star. And with Rock Hudson’s good looks, he was destined to be a movie star.

Someone can be a mega movie star without being a good actor. However, a good actor can become a movie star. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but generally, a movie star has a certain look or “it factor” that makes them marketable to the masses even though they lack the acting chops. So even a mediocre actor can become rich and famous.

And this dynamic happens in the music industry as well.

You have people who are artists and those who are entertainers. Generally, entertainers are marketable because they have a star quality that exceeds their talent level. In other words, they may be average at best as singers.

Now an artist overflows with talent and has the potential to become a superstar entertainer. Gifted artists who became superstars include Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Prince, and Ms. Lauryn Hill.

The music industry often mishandles true artists, especially when they try to remake them into something they aren’t. So, the artists and their artistry can suffer as the industry tries to turn them into mainstream entertainers.

The industry can harm artists like Ms. Lauryn Hill and D’Angelo. For instance, the industry wanted to push him as a major sex symbol. And it worked until it didn’t. D’Angelo had no interest in being a sex symbol. He was also about his music. He’s a super-talented artist, not a Chippendale dancer. Things got so bad that women showed up to his concerts demanding he takes his shirt off.

And this is the dilemma Chloe Bailey faces right now.

The industry is trying to turn Chloe into something she’s not, and that’s HUGE mistake.

Let’s dive deeper into why that is…

Chloe and Halle: The Artistic Power Duo

You see, Chloe and her sister Hallie are true artists who have the potential to become successful global entertainers.

Chloe and Hallie are geniuses.

They are what you call a complete package. The sisters are beautiful, talented young women who can sing, write songs, produce music, play instruments, dance, and act. They came into the music industry as complete artists with full-blown star power.

If these two sisters were paintings, they would be Rembrandt and Picasso.

Now, you take someone like Beyoncé, and this is no shade. I’m just being real and objective. Beyonce is more of a blank canvas. So the industry could mount a lot of energies onto her to transform her into the entertainer they wanted her to be. 

They mounted on Beyoncé everyone from Tina Turner to Michael Jackson. And that’s the spellwork and ritual they put her under to convince the global masses she’s the greatest entertainer of her generation.

And Beyonce, Jay-Z, and other entities in the industry are using the Beyonce blueprint on Chloe, and it won’t work!

Decoding Chloe’s Dark Energy: Unveiling the Secrets

Chloe, like her sister, isn’t a blank canvas.

She’s a Rembrandt; you wouldn’t cover a valuable, classic artwork and spray it with graffiti. And that’s what the industry is doing with Chloe.

In other words, they put Chloe under the ritual of trying to purge her of her God-given talent and artistry by replacing it with dark energy. They have mounted onto her the “Sasha fierce-baby Beyoncé” energy. 

You can’t mount that type of energy on Chloe. They have her on this ho-slut frequency, and it will backfire. Unfortunately, Chloe will be the one to suffer the consequences because she’s not being true to who she is as an artist.

Why won’t this energy work for Chloe?

Because she and her sister Hallie are Light Beings.

Chloe and Hallie are from this planet.

Let’s dive deeper.

Chloe and Hallie’s Music: Your Ticket to a More Elevated State of Mind

Chloe and Hallie are Light Beings who have the potential to elevate the consciousness of young women, especially young black women and girls.

Chloe and Hallie have the power of twin energy, even though they’re not biological twins. Energetically and talent-wise, they are twins, and together they are very powerful. Perhaps they were too powerful for the industry, so they were separated.

The industry placed Hallie in the movie sector and kept Hallie in the music realm. So the industry divided the sister’s twin energy, which diluted their power.

Keep in mind the music industry has no interest in elevating the consciousness of young girls and women. So they took Chloe and mounted her with the ho-slut energy. The intent is to use her as a vessel to get her fans to follow her lead by embracing a sexually-charged low vibrational frequency.

The bottom line is the industry devils and demons want young girls and women vibrating at the lowest possible frequency. And I’ll break that down at another time.

Is Chloe on the Path to Becoming the Next Beyoncé?

Here’s the other reason Chloe was put under this dark magic spell work. The initial plan may have been to groom Chloe as the next Beyoncé or Beyoncé’s replacement. She was supposed to be the Beyoncé for a new generation, a more extreme version of Beyoncé, but it is not working and will not work. 

But now there may be a cold-blooded chess move being played that’s affecting Chloe’s music career.

YouTubers who followed Beyoncé’s career over the years have said Beyoncé (or her handlers) killed the careers of several up-and-coming female artists so Beyoncé wouldn’t have any competition.

Is it possible Beyonce or the entities around her want to sabotage Chloe’s music career? Is there another energy that’s preventing Chloe from being the next Beyonce? Could Beyonce or entities around her want to feed off Chloe’s youth and sexual energy to keep her career afloat?

This stuff is real.

There’s a micro-industry within the music industry where record companies sign many artists, and you never hear from them, or their music never gets released.

That’s a different type of energy harvesting and soul snatching.

I may dive into that topic at a later date.

Now back to Chloe. 

As long as Chloe is under the energies of Beyoncé, Jay-Z, and their handlers, her music career will suffer. Again, Chloe and her sister are Light Beings sent here for a specific purpose. The angelic realm is intervening to help steer Chloe away from being used in certain ways. However, if Chloe doesn’t come to her true Divine Self, and get out from under that ho-slut energy, GOD will remove his hand or His hedge of protection from her.

The Awakening of Chloe’s Fans

The music industry recognizes Light Beings when they see them. Chloe and Hallie are otherworldly. But the witches and warlocks in the music industry are trying to flip Chloe’s Light energy into dark energy for their own wicked agendas.

But Chloe’s fans keep rejecting that spellwork and ritual.

Chloe’s fans are much more spiritually in tune than they may realize. They have been very outspoken about the direction of Chloe’s image and music career. They want the authentic Chloe Bailey, not some bootleg Beyoncé knockoff. 

You see, the spiritual ascension and awakening are real. When Chloe and Hallie sang as a duo, their music attracted other Light Beings with a higher vibrational frequency.

Still, the industry keeps pushing Chloe down a low vibrational path to the point of turning off Chloe’s core fan base. Again Chloe and Halle’s Divine assignment is to elevate the consciousness of young girls and women. But the industry witches and warlocks don’t want to see that happen.

For that reason, they’ll keep forcing this “Sasha fierce-baby Beyoncé” energy onto Chloe’s fans whether they like it or not. 

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