The Dirty Truth About Andrew Tate No One Talks About

Andrew Tate is problematic.

Here’s why I say that.

Let me lay a bit of foundation and context first.

Who is Andrew Tate?

The Man Behind the Image

Andrew Tate is a British kickboxer, entrepreneur, and social media personality. He was born on December 1, 1986, in Washington, Tyne and Wear, England. Tate started his career as a kickboxer and has won several championships, including the world kickboxing championship in 2016.

Apart from his sports career, Tate is known for his controversial views on various social and political issues. He has a significant following on social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube, where he shares his opinions on topics such as masculinity, relationships, and entrepreneurship.

Tate also appeared on the reality TV show “Celebrity Big Brother” in 2016, where he became known for his confrontational behavior and controversial remarks. Overall, Andrew Tate is a polarizing figure, with many people admiring him for his athletic achievements and entrepreneurial success, while others criticize him for his controversial views and behavior.

Most recently, he was arrested for alleged sex trafficking.

Put a pin right on that last sentence. 

I’ll come back to that later.

Anyway, Tate is problematic for several reasons.

Andrew Tate is Kevin Samuels on Steroids

First, he’s a bootleg version (and replacement) of the late Kevin “Mr. Manosphere” Samuels.

Samuels passed away in May 2022. At that time, he was the superstar of the Manosphere. He was the face of the sector on YouTube related to men, masculinity, and gender roles. It’s where men discuss men’s rights, dating, self-improvement, and more.

There are various subcultures within the manosphere, with different beliefs and values. Some promote traditional gender roles, while others focus on self-improvement. Critics say the manosphere promotes sexism and toxic behaviors, while supporters argue it’s a safe space for men to express themselves.

At any rate, Kevin Samuels was the face of the black manosphere.

When Kevin Samuels passed away, I wondered if he had been sacrificed.

You see, YouTube is part of the entertainment industry. In the industry, when a major celeb (or social media influencer) passes away or declines, there’s always a replacement.

Andrew Tate had been active on social media since 2017 but didn’t become a major mainstream media figure until after Samuels passed away. From my perspective, I see Tate as the new version of Kevin Samuels, but on steroids.

In other words, he’s part Kevin Samuels because he gives relationship advice. He’s part Iceberg Slim because he promotes pimpology mindset. He’s part Internet marketing guru. Plus, he’s part Alex Jones because he drops some truth bombs about secret societies. So, he comes across as this ultimate alpha male who flaunts all his luxury homes, fast cars, and a plethora of females.

This dude is so over the top, and it’s amazing how many males (and females) take this guy seriously.

And there’s a dark side to this character named Andrew Tate.

Let’s get into it.

Andrew Tate: Alpha Male or Illuminati Puppet?

 Andrew Tate is a caricature of what it means to be a man. Sure, he has some talking points that make sense and speak the truth regarding male-female relationships.

As the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

So even though he says some things that are right and exact, it doesn’t mean he’s right and exact regarding his intentions or character. To me, Tate comes across as an industry plant or an Illuminati puppet pushed through social media algorithms to promote a sinister agenda.

I theorize that he has puppet masters who set him up with a luxury lifestyle to make him look like this brilliant, successful multimillionaire. That’s part of casting a spell on men and women to draw them into the agenda.

And I’ll dive into the wicked agenda in a minute because it ties into Tate’s (and his brother’s)  arrest.

So let’s get into the arrest now.

Tate Arrested: Publicity Stunt or Warning Shot

 A while ago, Andrew Tate and his brother were arrested for sex trafficking.

Before the arrest, Tate talked about how he was the most dangerous man in the world and don’t be surprised if he got arrested. When I heard he got arrested for sex trafficking, I thought it was a publicity stunt.

From a publicity standpoint, the stunt would seem to confirm that he’s a threat to the system, and this would add to his credibility as a “real G” in the eyes of his followers.

Tate said some things where he exposed the secret societies and whatnot. Plus, he gave the impression that he was against these organizations.

I call cap on that.

Here’s why.

There are several photos where he’s giving Masonic hand gestures. He has taken the oath and he’s part of the brotherhood (allegedly).

If he is part of the brotherhood, his puppet masters will allow him to make comments speaking against the secret society (or Illuminati) to boost his credibility with his audience.

He’s like controlled opposition.

Additionally, as I said earlier, even his arrest photos looked staged.

Was his arrest just a publicity stunt? Was it a humiliation ritual? Or was someone sending Tate a warning message?

Here’s a problem I see with Andrew Tate. 

He comes across as the type of guy who believes his hype and will go off-script. I believe that’s what happened. His puppet masters used the arrest to put him in check and to knock down a peg.

Here’s their message to him:

We put you on this pedestal, and we can take you down. You ain’t running nothing but your mouth, which is what we pay you to do. Remember that!

The Puppet Masters

And this ties into the agenda I mentioned earlier. 

If Tate is an industry plant on assignment, what’s his assignment? Is he being punished for stepping out of line? If so, how did he overstep his boundaries?

Well, here’s where the sh*t hits the fan.

Andrew Tate Goes Off Script

I stumbled across one of Tate’s videos months ago. It was quite eye-opening.

He’s driving in a car in Romania, and he says that Romania is the place to be because its laws regarding sex trafficking are lenient. 

At that moment, I gave dude the side eye.

He outed himself as a sex trafficker and outed Romania as a sex-trafficking hub. Even if what he said is true about that country, it doesn’t mean the “powers that be” in Romania wanted to be put on blast.

Andrew Tate said too much in that situation. He went off script. So I’m not surprised he got arrested for sex trafficking.

From my perspective, Romanian officials arrested him so they could save face and distance themselves from Tate’s claim that Romania is “the place to be” if you participate in sex trafficking.

So Tate wasn’t arrested for sex trafficking per se.

His arrest was punishment for exposing Romania’s dirty little secret.

But wait, the rabbit hole gets deeper.

Let’s expose the sinister agenda I mentioned earlier.

Andrew Tate: The Agenda No One Talks About

Here’s my Spirit Theory.

Andrew Tate was propped up to legitimize sex trafficking by making it a cool, desirable lifestyle for men (and women). He’s a whole psyop to desensitize the masses to the real horrors of sex trafficking, which mostly forces women and CHILDREN into sex slavery.

Remember, we live in a world where evil appears fair seeming. 

And that’s Andrew’s job.

His assignment is to make sexual degeneracy and the exploitation of women cool, sexy, and desirable.

He’s being propped up as the Hugh Hefner of this generation. And if you know anything about Hefner and his Playboy Mansion, you know that whole energy was wicked, sick, and full of sexual deviance.

So, even if Andrew Tate’s puppet masters deactivate him for good, trust and believe they have someone lined up to take his place. 

At any rate, be mindful of the social media influencers you support because some are devils and demons.

I’m out.


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