The Ultimate Showdown: AI vs. Divine Intelligence

Half of woman's face covered in code

AI is here. It’s been here. And it’s not going anywhere.

The big sensation right now is ChatGPT4, which is like AI with personality.

You can interact with it in a conversational manner.

Plus, AI/ChatGPT4 can do all sorts of cool things, from generating codes and tables to writing blog posts and whole books.

Just give it some prompts, and it gives you the outputs you need.

Like any new tech, it has its positives and negatives.

The Double-Edged Sword of AI: How It Can Be Both Helpful and Harmful

On the positive side, for example, it helps speed up content production and scalability. Plus, it handles mundane mental tasks you don’t want to do, are not good at, or don’t have time for.

Now to the negatives.

Some say it will replace a lot of jobs humans do. I can see that, especially in the fields of writing and coding. Down the road, certain jobs will either be reduced or eliminated.

But new job opportunities, such as AI prompt engineers or AI content specialists, will emerge.

For instance, a marketing agency could have a team of two or three AI content specialists producing content instead of hiring 15 writers.

So AI technology saves the agency money because they don’t need as many workers to meet their production requirements.

In this case, AI is great for the marketing agency but not so much so for writers.

Then again, the reduction or elimination of jobs happens with every tech revolution. Again, these advancements also open the door to new employment opportunities requiring new skill sets.

The best thing to do is prepare and get ahead of the curve as much as possible.

In other words, find ways to make AI work for you.

AI vs. Humans: Who Will Win the Job Market?

What’s also interesting is that HUMANS are training AI. So it’s human intelligence feeding the artificial intelligence, training the AI to become human-like.

The more we use AI, the more human-like it becomes.

And the long game is for it to replace us.

And that’s a bitch.

It’s like this.

Let’s say you have been on your job for 10 years. You know your shit. Then a new college grad comes on board. Your supervisor says to train them.

You’re a good team member, so you hook them up with what you know. You show them the ropes and tricks of the trade.

Then a year later, the person you trained gets promoted and is your supervisor.

This AI revolution is giving me that kind of tease.

The Human-Robot Transformation: How AI is Changing Us

Let’s go deeper down the rabbit hole…

The more humans work with and train AI, the AI becomes more like humans.

But here’s the catch…

Humans will become more brain-dead or robotic.

Here’s what’s happening…

Humans are downloading their consciousness into the “mind” of AI, which speeds up the advancement of AI. Meanwhile, as AI speeds up, so does the dumbing down of humans as people become more dependent on artificial intelligence. 

The dependence on AI will make people lazy, especially mentally. Instead of relying on the DIVINE POWER of our mind, creativity, and imagination, many people will become slaves to AI. Why? Because they will allow AI to think for them.

It’s the transhumanism effect.

It’s the rise of machines.

The devils and demons of this world system seek to keep us locked into their matrix.

What’s their matrix?

It’s where AI is the master and humans are the slaves.

Again use AI tech, don’t let it use YOU. 

Embracing the Divine: Developing a Christ-like Mind in the Age of AI

Here’s what the Holy Spirit revealed to me:

Do things that use your creativity, such as arts and crafts.

Do those things that are natural and organic, not artificial.

Let’s dive deeper into AI.

AI is artificial intelligence.

What’s the opposite of artificial?



Remember, the Most High gave us supernatural intelligence. And no matter how cool AI is, it’s a bootleg version of genuine DIVINE intelligence.

We unlock our Divine Intelligence when we develop the mind of Christ. That’s a superior intelligence. It’s your hidden superpower. So as you use AI, don’t sacrifice the mind of Christ. That’s your Divine Mind that’s eternal and expands throughout time.

One way you nurture the mind of Christ is by following the Holy Spirit. You must tune into the Kingdom of God/Heaven within you. All your answers are there.

We’re here to evolve spiritually and live as Spirit Beings having a human experience.

We’re here to become Spirit-led humans, not mindless robots.

Unlock the hidden power of your (mind of Christ), and your true superpowers as a spiritual being will emerge.

If you don’t, you may find yourself trapped in the devil’s matrix serving as a slave to an AI master.

I’m giving you a heads-up.

Let he who has an ear hear.

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